It's been awhile.
A few things have happened; I self-published a few books. My collection of short stories, the "Starstone" comics, "Frontiers" and "The Servante" magazine. It's been a lot of work to collate and prepare for print but very gratifying.
I've also been dieting in preparation for Lap-band surgery (if I meet the criteria). One of the stipulations is that one must lose approximately 5% of total body mass. At 437 pounds, that comes to about 22 pounds. So far I've lost 17 pounds since the program started a month ago. I maintain a food diary and record everything I consume including the calorie count. I've been trying to maintain a maximum of 1800-1900 calories per day.
It seems to be working so far.
I can feel differences already; my walking endurance has increased and the car seat belt closes more easily.It's difficult sometimes but well worth it.
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