Monday, January 16, 2006
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
A bit busy with Art Things...

So I've been busy with a few art projects. One of them is to produce 25 1/6 scale Indiana Jones hats for the action figure and 25 miniature gold fertility idols for the same. I got the job from a guy in Singapore who bought a 1/6 scale Roy Batty head from me on eBay. It was fine until he said he wanted 25 of each.
Now it smacks of work!
I got the mold made and the replicas cast pretty well so it's mostly a matter of mass production. In other art news, I've been working on a submission to an art book series called "Aphrodisia" which focuses on high-quality babe art. It's been nice to have something to do that I still have control of.
Therapy is in two days and I don't mind going.