Monday, January 16, 2006

The Task is Done!

Here are all the finished product; 25 hats and 25 idols. It was kind of nice having some work to do that was within my area of interest.... but 25 of each! Too much work for too little money($100). Anyway, here is the result.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

More News on the Fedora Front.

Here are all the hats and idols I've got made so far. It's nearly done.

Some more art stuff.

Here is a new piece of art I did a few days ago. Actually, the background was done some time before and I then pasted the figure in front. Not bad, if I do say so myself.:)

Monday, January 09, 2006

A bit busy with Art Things...

So I've been busy with a few art projects. One of them is to produce 25 1/6 scale Indiana Jones hats for the action figure and 25 miniature gold fertility idols for the same. I got the job from a guy in Singapore who bought a 1/6 scale Roy Batty head from me on eBay. It was fine until he said he wanted 25 of each.

Now it smacks of work!

I got the mold made and the replicas cast pretty well so it's mostly a matter of mass production. In other art news, I've been working on a submission to an art book series called "Aphrodisia" which focuses on high-quality babe art. It's been nice to have something to do that I still have control of.
Therapy is in two days and I don't mind going.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to therapy...

I'll be returning to therapy today. B will drive me there and as she doesn't have school today, will collect me when it's over. I'm a little tense but I hope it will go OK. I'll let you know. I have a few things to talk about, especially my anxiety and depression over Xmas.