Saturday, December 31, 2005

Steady as she goes.....

New Year's Eve is upon us and we're going to stay in this year. We have some tasks to perform at the church in the late afternoon but we'll be home in the evening. I'm not feeling too bad but I'm worried about my wife who is now suffering with anxiety of her own. I hope the time off will let her relax a bit.
On a lighter note(or a writer note), the above illo is a submission for the Writercon 2006 t-shirt contest.
You can find out more about it here:

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Not too bad.....

Well, Xmas is over (thankfully). It wasn't too bad but I did have several "don't want to be here" moments. It was a lot better than last year and staying at a hotel instead of Mum's place was a good idea. Mum loved her presents (and that was important to me) and Xmas dinner was fabulous. We visited my old friends and it was a really fun evening so in all, Xmas 2005 was pretty good all told (still glad to be home, though).

Friday, December 23, 2005

Xmas is nearly here...

We'll be going away to E-town for Xmas; I hope I feel better than I did last year. It was not pleasant last time. Currently, I feel pretty good and we'll be staying in a hotel insted of my mother's place which will be much more comfortable and restful for both her and us. All the prezzies are got and we'll be bringing the chockies and other goodies. We'll be going back home on the tuesday following so we won't be away too long. I hope I will be all right; I'll let you know. : )

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Not Too Bad Right Now...

Well, my session went well and I feel a little better right now. Today, our new bed was delivered and It arrived at about ten-thirty so I didn't have to stay up all afternoon waiting. It's the same width but vastly taller. So far, it's very nice. Anyway, I'm glad that it's over with for the moment; my next appointment is in early January so hopefully I'll be OK through Xmas.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Looks like I should remember to look at my appointment card more closely. It wasn't today I was supposed to go to my session but tomorrow. If I hadn't checked my wallet to make sure my credit card was there, I wouldn't have seen the proper date on the appointment card and I would have gone there for nothing (and a hefty taxi fare). So, I'm all ready to go this time and I hope it will go well. I've been feeling a touch nervous and depressed in the last few days.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Not Feeling So Good...

Another session tomorrow morning. I had a bad weekend; I felt depressed and unwell. My wife and I went to our usual Friday night dinner and we saw a lady we both knew had worked there and went on to be head cook and assistant manager of a different place. She approached us as we sat, her face showing a lot of sadness and stress and told us that she couldn't handle the new stresses and was now working in this place again. She also told us that she was going to start the same day program of therapy that I had gone through in the fall. Seeing her knocked back down after being in a position of higher responsibility made me feel quite down. But for the Grace of God it might be me in her shoes. So now, I have something to talk to my therapist about tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.