My Father has Passed Away.

It's a nice, gentle euphemism for death. We don't like the cold finality of that word so we mask it with something kinder sounding.
My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few months ago and was supposed to live out his final weeks at his brother's home in Fort Saskatchewan (he lived in Prince George, BC) but it caught up to him very quickly just a few days ago and was placed in hospice care. I spoke my final goodbyes to him by the grace of a very kind nurse who placed the phone near my dad's ear so he could hear me, even thought he was too medicated to reply.
I told him that I always loved him but more importantly, I always respected him (in spite of some of his annoying idiosyncrasies, like always having to be right)
I don't have any real regrets besides the fact that he distanced himself from me and my sister emotionally and physically. His brother is travelling to Prince George to make final arrangements and to bring him home (in convenient powdered form).